Friday, February 8, 2019

ARC Review: The Night Tiger by Yangsze Choo

I got my grubby little hands on an ARC of The Night Tiger recently and it made it's way to the top of the reading list this week!

My Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
My Review: I won’t soon forget Ren, Ji Lin, Shin and all the rest! A story of twisted fates and coming of age, of rich Malaysian history and superstition. As we first meet Ren and Ji Lin I found myself wanting to protect and nurture Ren. A young boy who is orphaned and riddled by dreams of the deceased and promises that must be kept. Ji Lin, a force to be reckoned with, pushing and challenging the boundaries of what a “good Malaysian girl” should be to her parents and elders around her. As folklore and mystery weaved it’s way into a beautiful coming of age story I found myself confused in the best of ways, who could all of these things point back to? Riding the highs and lows of heartbreak, fear and victory with them. What a wonderful concoction of history, folklore, mystery, thrill and emotion.

This was a slightly different read for me. It's pace and style something I haven't come across a lot before on my shelves but now it is something I am certain I need more of! A slightly slower pace but richly detailed and told.

A special thanks to Flatiron Books for my advanced copy!

The Night Tiger is set to release on Feb 12, 2019

Purchase it here: Amazon - B&N

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