Monday, January 28, 2019

ARC Review: You'd Be Mine by Erin Hahn

I was lucky enough to score an ARC of You'd Be Mine. I had no idea what I was in for when I started this book but oh my good goodness did I devour it or what?

I knew it was classified as YA (check), I knew it was a modern day take on Johnny and June (double check) and I knew it involved a charming young man and bad ass young lady (triple check)... I just had no idea how much depth and incredible soul it would have!

With out further adieu, my review:


I must admit, I've come to love Clay, Annie & all the gang more than I realized I would! A group of young adults navigating grief that fits their young lives like an over-sized hoodie. Hiding all of their pain and stress underneath of it with the padding of booze and personas. Navigating the sadness and hurt, or completely ignoring it, while also trying to enjoy new adventures and budding romances. We often don't realize how quickly life becomes "real" until we're knee deep in and I think all of us can relate to this book in that way. Beautifully written and completely addicting once you pick it up. The perfect spring break and summer read.

While I'm here, I have to give praise for this being a debut novel for Erin Hahn. This is an incredible piece to put out there as a debut and I am anxious and excited for what else comes out of her future writings!

Read this book if you love: YA Fiction, Country Music, Romance, Johnny & June, Grief & Recovery

You'd be mine is set to release on April 2nd, 2019. Get your pre-order in now because you're going to eat this book up faster than a sleeve of double stuff oreos!

Purchase 'You'd Be Mine' here: Amazon - B&N

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