Monday, January 7, 2019

Book Review: Out of the Easy by Ruta Sepetys

Now listen, it's no secret to anyone that knows me that Ruta Sepetys is one of my holy grail, all time favorite authors. I shove 'Salt to the Sea' and 'Between Shades of Gray' into all of my friends hands and beg them to read them so I can discuss it with them. Ahem, if you haven't read either of those I will link them down below as well.

Onto the review, shall we?


Oh my goodness, Ruta does it again! I am such a huge Ruta fan but was nervous starting this that it would be the one I don't love. Writing about such a scandalous topic such as brothels and mob style murders without crossing over into vulgarity and filth could prove to be a difficult topic for any writer, but Ruta shows us all how it's done! Bravo Ruta!

Notice how many times I said Ruta in that review? *Major Fangirl*
But really, do yourself a favor and snatch up every book by her and spend the weekend hidden away binge reading. I promise you won't regret it!

Purchase Out of the Easy here: Amazon - B&N

Purchase Salt to the Sea here: Amazon -  B&N

Purchase Between Shades of Gray here: Amazon - B&N

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