Sunday, February 10, 2019

Read 'Em and Weep.... No, Really

I am not ashamed to admit, I love a good cry while reading a book in my bath tub late at night with a glass of wine. If you are like me, this list is for you!  A countdown of the top 5 books on my shelf that'll make even the toughest toughie weep!

5. The War That Saved My Life

by Kimberly Brubaker Bradley
My Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 
Mini Review:
This is a young reader/YA book about the most endearing 10-year old I've ever encountered. Ada has never left her one room apartment and love is as foreign to her as actually eating a full meal with chopsticks is to me. It's such a quick read and I am so in love with it. The characters, the story, with the little comical pieces and all of the heartbreak. 

If you read this and love it - good news - there's a sequel!

Purchase here: B&N - Amazon

4. And Every Morning the Way Home Gets Longer and Longer

by Fredrik Backman
My Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Mini Review: This book is a beautifully tragic tale of an elderly man trying to hold on to pieces of his life through the fog and confusion of Alzheimers and his family's struggle to say goodbye. It deals with life, loss and grief.  I am not sure what else to say. 

Purchase here: B&N  - Amazon

3. Between Shades of Gray

by Ruta Sepetys
My Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Mini Review: Meet a 15 year old Lithuanian girl ripped from her home with her mother and brother in 1941. An avid painter and drawer, thrown into a confusing world of hatred and survival. As she fights to stay true to the artist in her she also risks everything to do so. You. Will. Sob. 

Purchase here: B&N - Amazon 

BONUS BOOK: Salt to the Sea

I couldn't put a Ruta Sepetys book on here without adding in Salt to the Sea. Go ahead and pick it up while you're grabbing Between Shades of Gray!

2. The Book Thief

by Markus Zusak
My Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Mini Review: I know,  most of you have heard of this book already or at least know the movie. But if you haven't had a chance to read this one yet, it definitely deserves your time. Set in 1939 Nazi Germany. The story of Liesel, a girl who loves books. Her foster family, who may hiding a Jew and all of the bravery, chaos and heartbreak that follows.

Purchase here: B&N  - Amazon

1. The Nightingale

by Kristin Hannah
My Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Mini Review: This book. My goodness. I have rarely fallen in love with book as wildly as I did this one. 1939 France. The Nazis invade and Isabelle being the feisty 18 year old that she is won't stand for it. She takes the stand so many of us want to believe we would take and joins the resistance. You've never experienced heartbreak and resilience like this book brings you. It will tear you up, sew you back together, rip your heart out, resuscitate it and leave you floating on a cloud of emotions in all the best ways.

Purchase here: B&N - Amazon 

I've already professed my love for a good book that brings on the weep-fest so tell me in the comments what your favorite tear-jerker book is! I'd love to know so I can add it to my list!

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