Sunday, March 1, 2020

Book Review: I Am the Messenger by Markus Zusak

 "It's not a big thing, but I guess it's true - big things are often just small things that are noticed."

If you've even been on the receiving end of one of my ranting and raving love confessions for all Markus Zusak books, this one probably won't come as a surprise to you. My best friend bought me a signed copy of 'The Book Thief' for Christmas and I still don't think I've quite regained my breath from that one, I'm staring at it right now as we speak from it's prized position on my shelf right above my office desk.

I am the Messenger takes on a really different type of story than those I've read before. He's your everyday small Australian small-town cabbie. A bloke, named Ed, with a few good mates who he drinks and plays cards with accompanied by his trusty 4 legged pal, Doorman. Sounds like most of the mates you know in Australia right?  That is the case, until Ed accidentally finds himself in the perfect position to foil a bank robbery attempt.

Next thing he knows, he's receiving playing cards in the mail with attached missions and requirements he must follow. Stumbling through these messages and actions Ed discovers a lot about himself, about his town and more importantly about life itself.

Pick up "I am the Messenger" for all major book retailers everywhere! 

Friday, May 24, 2019

BOOK REVIEW: Say You're Sorry by Melinda Leigh (Morgan Dane Series - Book One)

 "Crowds didn't listen to facts or reason. Crowds acted on emotion, which amplified according to the size of the gathering."

I don't know about you but sometimes I need a solid detective mystery book. Cherry on top, a female lead in the detective seat... AND THEN add in a slightly emotional heart strings layer and I am SOLD!

In this book we meet Morgan Dane for the first time. She is a grieving widowed single mother who is doing what all of us mums do best - keeping on keeping on. Next thing we know, her beloved babysitter has been killed and a close neighbors son is being looked at the prime suspect of the murder case!

Morgan, with her solid intuition and strong willed gut instincts can't imagine Nick being responsible and yet she also has to battle the locals outrage and devastation over the murder and finger pointing towards Nick.

As she decides to take on this case she brings alongside a friend, Lance Kruger who is, in my opinion, the perfect companion for Morgan. Now we get that fun little extra layer of friendship and emotion that really spices this book up to be a great read for me.

As they continue to pursue and ruthlessly uncover clues and leads, they find themselves being targeted and hunted..... So could it be Nick after all?

If you're looking for a not too spooky murder mystery with sprinkles of emotion and a strong female lead, trust me, look no further!

Looking forward to trying out some more Morgan Dane books very very soon!

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Read 'Em and Swoon: My Top 5 Romance Reads

Every now and then I just NEED to read a story about LOVE. Whether its dark and twisty or mushy I just crave a good romance read. Now before we go any further, this isn't about romance, romance books. True romance novels have their place in the reading world but on this particular list, you won't find naughty cowboy Joe in his chaps with a whip seducing anybody.

Let's get to it!

5. The View from Rainshadow Bay 

by Colleen Coble
My Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Shauna has lost her husband to a climbing accident and is now raising her son alone. Suddenly, her business partner is murdered and there's reason for Shauna to believe she may be in harms way as well. She turns to an unlikely source to help her unravel the mess that is in front of her. Zach Bannister is the man Shauna blames for her husbands accident. Enlisting his help opens up some old hurts and painful memories. Together Shauna and Zach set out to secure her safety. I loved the mixture of suspense, mystery, grief and of course romance in this book.

4. To All the Boys I've Loved Before

by Jenny Han
My Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

This was a fun Rom-Com style book for me! Lara Jean has always written letters to all of her crushes and stashed them in her room, NEVER to be mailed. There's only one tiny problem, she discovers that they were all mailed out. Suddenly all of her past love interests start resurfacing, coming back to find her. Some just want to say what they never said before, others aren't so simple. This is a great becoming of age love story! And even better news, if you love this book there's 2 more that follow it AND a Netflix deal! 

3. You'd Be Mine

by Erin Hahn
My Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

I recently did a full ARC review on this book - You'll be able to purchase this one soon so I'm going to go ahead and include it on this list! A group of young adults navigating grief that fits their young lives like an over-sized hoodie. Hiding all of their pain and stress underneath of it with the padding of booze and personas. Navigating the sadness and hurt, or completely ignoring it, while also trying to enjoy new adventures and budding romances. We often don't realize how quickly life becomes "real" until we're knee deep in and I think all of us can relate to this book in that way. Jack and Annie will quickly become your new favorite country couple.

2. The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer

by Michelle Hodkin
My Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

I read this book back in 2016 and it's become on of my favorites. It's dark, twisted and mysterious. This book will suck you in and you'll be hooked until it's over. Mara Dyer wakes up in the hospital and can't remember anything about the accident that killed all of her friends. She is depressed, confused and about to have her world turned upside down... again.

1. Redeeming Love

by Francine Rivers
My Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Set in 1850, California. Angel was sold into prostitution as a child and carries deep hurt and hatred for men. Full of mistrust and abandonment. Then enters Michael Hosea, who feels God has told him to marry Angel and love her no matter what. We then get to watch as the rest of this story unfolds. This book is based off of a story in the Bible. However, if that's not really your thing, I still recommend this book so highly! It is truly a stand alone romance novel. I read this book for the first time back in 2008 and have read it multiple times since.

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

ARC Review: When All Is Said by Anne Griffin

Who managed to score an ARC of 'When All Is Said' by Anne Griffin? THIS GIRL DID!

 I wasn't sure what to expect from this book at first and I was oh so pleasantly shocked and surprised to fall head over heels in love with this one. If it's not on your Want to Read list on Goodreads - do yourself a favor and add it now! - Click here to do so now!

I posted a blog post a few days ago about my top 5 books that have made me cry - this book would have made that list if I'd read it prior to that post!

Now let us continue on to my review!

My Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Let me start with, I am finally adding a new book to my favorites shelf!
This book has the power to make you fall in love, break you heart and then sew you right back up as 84-year old Maurice sits at a bar in his home town retelling the story of his life. From heartbreak to love and back again we journey with him through the painful losses of people he loves the most to the victories over others who stood in his way.

"Did he ever lay his hand on the earth to steady his body that heaved at the injustice of it all?" 

I came to the end of this book feeling such a sense of sweetness and sadness. This may have been a work of fiction but I can honestly say it impacted my real world. Anne Griffin deserves every award coming her way for this book, I am sure they will be plentiful.

"I never dreamt the day I met her that there would come a time when I'd find it hard to breathe because her toothbrush no longer sat beside mine in the green, sorry - avocado, I always got that wrong apparently - tumbler on the bathroom sink or because I can no longer hear her giving out when I set the fire wrong in the grate or that there is nothing - no breath, no heartbeat when I stretch my hand to her side of the bed in the morning. But I can't. I can't" 

I wish I could sit next to Maurice at that bar and listen to more of his stories.

The one thing I will mention about this book because I feel like it's important to do so, I am putting a trigger warning on this one for the mention of suicide. You never know what others are walking through and can never be too aware, so there's that.

Monday, February 11, 2019

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Read 'Em and Weep.... No, Really

I am not ashamed to admit, I love a good cry while reading a book in my bath tub late at night with a glass of wine. If you are like me, this list is for you!  A countdown of the top 5 books on my shelf that'll make even the toughest toughie weep!

5. The War That Saved My Life

by Kimberly Brubaker Bradley
My Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 
Mini Review:
This is a young reader/YA book about the most endearing 10-year old I've ever encountered. Ada has never left her one room apartment and love is as foreign to her as actually eating a full meal with chopsticks is to me. It's such a quick read and I am so in love with it. The characters, the story, with the little comical pieces and all of the heartbreak. 

If you read this and love it - good news - there's a sequel!

Purchase here: B&N - Amazon

4. And Every Morning the Way Home Gets Longer and Longer

by Fredrik Backman
My Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Mini Review: This book is a beautifully tragic tale of an elderly man trying to hold on to pieces of his life through the fog and confusion of Alzheimers and his family's struggle to say goodbye. It deals with life, loss and grief.  I am not sure what else to say. 

Purchase here: B&N  - Amazon

3. Between Shades of Gray

by Ruta Sepetys
My Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Mini Review: Meet a 15 year old Lithuanian girl ripped from her home with her mother and brother in 1941. An avid painter and drawer, thrown into a confusing world of hatred and survival. As she fights to stay true to the artist in her she also risks everything to do so. You. Will. Sob. 

Purchase here: B&N - Amazon 

BONUS BOOK: Salt to the Sea

I couldn't put a Ruta Sepetys book on here without adding in Salt to the Sea. Go ahead and pick it up while you're grabbing Between Shades of Gray!

2. The Book Thief

by Markus Zusak
My Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Mini Review: I know,  most of you have heard of this book already or at least know the movie. But if you haven't had a chance to read this one yet, it definitely deserves your time. Set in 1939 Nazi Germany. The story of Liesel, a girl who loves books. Her foster family, who may hiding a Jew and all of the bravery, chaos and heartbreak that follows.

Purchase here: B&N  - Amazon

1. The Nightingale

by Kristin Hannah
My Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Mini Review: This book. My goodness. I have rarely fallen in love with book as wildly as I did this one. 1939 France. The Nazis invade and Isabelle being the feisty 18 year old that she is won't stand for it. She takes the stand so many of us want to believe we would take and joins the resistance. You've never experienced heartbreak and resilience like this book brings you. It will tear you up, sew you back together, rip your heart out, resuscitate it and leave you floating on a cloud of emotions in all the best ways.

Purchase here: B&N - Amazon 

I've already professed my love for a good book that brings on the weep-fest so tell me in the comments what your favorite tear-jerker book is! I'd love to know so I can add it to my list!

Friday, February 8, 2019

ARC Review: The Night Tiger by Yangsze Choo

I got my grubby little hands on an ARC of The Night Tiger recently and it made it's way to the top of the reading list this week!

My Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
My Review: I won’t soon forget Ren, Ji Lin, Shin and all the rest! A story of twisted fates and coming of age, of rich Malaysian history and superstition. As we first meet Ren and Ji Lin I found myself wanting to protect and nurture Ren. A young boy who is orphaned and riddled by dreams of the deceased and promises that must be kept. Ji Lin, a force to be reckoned with, pushing and challenging the boundaries of what a “good Malaysian girl” should be to her parents and elders around her. As folklore and mystery weaved it’s way into a beautiful coming of age story I found myself confused in the best of ways, who could all of these things point back to? Riding the highs and lows of heartbreak, fear and victory with them. What a wonderful concoction of history, folklore, mystery, thrill and emotion.

This was a slightly different read for me. It's pace and style something I haven't come across a lot before on my shelves but now it is something I am certain I need more of! A slightly slower pace but richly detailed and told.

A special thanks to Flatiron Books for my advanced copy!

The Night Tiger is set to release on Feb 12, 2019

Purchase it here: Amazon - B&N