Sunday, March 1, 2020

Book Review: I Am the Messenger by Markus Zusak

 "It's not a big thing, but I guess it's true - big things are often just small things that are noticed."

If you've even been on the receiving end of one of my ranting and raving love confessions for all Markus Zusak books, this one probably won't come as a surprise to you. My best friend bought me a signed copy of 'The Book Thief' for Christmas and I still don't think I've quite regained my breath from that one, I'm staring at it right now as we speak from it's prized position on my shelf right above my office desk.

I am the Messenger takes on a really different type of story than those I've read before. He's your everyday small Australian small-town cabbie. A bloke, named Ed, with a few good mates who he drinks and plays cards with accompanied by his trusty 4 legged pal, Doorman. Sounds like most of the mates you know in Australia right?  That is the case, until Ed accidentally finds himself in the perfect position to foil a bank robbery attempt.

Next thing he knows, he's receiving playing cards in the mail with attached missions and requirements he must follow. Stumbling through these messages and actions Ed discovers a lot about himself, about his town and more importantly about life itself.

Pick up "I am the Messenger" for all major book retailers everywhere! 

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