Friday, May 24, 2019

BOOK REVIEW: Say You're Sorry by Melinda Leigh (Morgan Dane Series - Book One)

 "Crowds didn't listen to facts or reason. Crowds acted on emotion, which amplified according to the size of the gathering."

I don't know about you but sometimes I need a solid detective mystery book. Cherry on top, a female lead in the detective seat... AND THEN add in a slightly emotional heart strings layer and I am SOLD!

In this book we meet Morgan Dane for the first time. She is a grieving widowed single mother who is doing what all of us mums do best - keeping on keeping on. Next thing we know, her beloved babysitter has been killed and a close neighbors son is being looked at the prime suspect of the murder case!

Morgan, with her solid intuition and strong willed gut instincts can't imagine Nick being responsible and yet she also has to battle the locals outrage and devastation over the murder and finger pointing towards Nick.

As she decides to take on this case she brings alongside a friend, Lance Kruger who is, in my opinion, the perfect companion for Morgan. Now we get that fun little extra layer of friendship and emotion that really spices this book up to be a great read for me.

As they continue to pursue and ruthlessly uncover clues and leads, they find themselves being targeted and hunted..... So could it be Nick after all?

If you're looking for a not too spooky murder mystery with sprinkles of emotion and a strong female lead, trust me, look no further!

Looking forward to trying out some more Morgan Dane books very very soon!